Human Trafficking – Let the Work Continue to End this Heinous Crime

Talitha Kum group. The Second General Assembly of Talitha Kum was held at Sacrofano, outside Rome, from 18-24 May 2024. There were 153 delegates, from 71 countries, representing the 60 Talitha Kum networks committed to ending human trafficking on all continents. Two Josephite Sisters formed part of the Talitha Kum Oceania Region Delegation – Sr […]

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2022

There are more slaves in the world today than in any other time in human history. (ABC Perth) The United Nations marks World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on 30 July annually. Vulnerable people all over the world are lured by traffickers with promises of jobs, safety and security. In 2017, Walk Free, International Labour […]

A Day in the Life: Ministry with Survivors of Human Trafficking

The Impact of COVID-19. In 2005 I established Josephite Counter-Trafficking Project (JCTP) to promote, by way of holistic direct services, the spiritual, physical and emotional development of people who have undergone the trauma of being trafficked to Australia. Since then I have continued to provide culturally sensitive support and direct services to trafficked children, women […]