A New Rule for a New Time
Father Julian Woods: A New Rule for a New Time. Today, as I reflected on a recent message I received from Sr Monica, I found myself looking back over the past 160 years to Julian Woods as a young priest in charge of one of the most isolated parishes in South Australia. His bishop had […]
Fr Julian: Man of Words – Letter Five
This month’s contribution is a tribute to the friendship between Father Julian Tenison Woods and Adam Lindsay Gordon, Australian poet, jockey, police officer and politician. Gordon died, at the age of 36, on 24 June 1870 in Melbourne. Father Julian Tenison Woods met Adam Lindsay Gordon in 1857 on one of his first trips out […]
Mary’s Words Still Inspiring Us!
Over many months, as we have pondered Val DeBrenni’s Stations of the Cross: a Journey with Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, we have reflected on the parallel journeys of Jesus and Mary MacKillop, and how their Way of the Cross can inspire and shape our own lives. Last month, in our final reflection on this particular […]
Melbourne’s Second Providence Immortalised in Glass
Here in Melbourne, Australia’s most liveable city, we had the official unveiling of the graphics on the exterior of the Department of Lands Water, Environment and Parks Building on Wednesday 13 March at 11.00am in the buildings newly refurbished people’s foyer. The official unveiling of the graphic of the second Providence of the Sisters of […]
First steps towards the Foundation of the Order
Father Julian Tenison Woods: First steps towards foundation—little did they then dream On 19 March 1866, Julian Woods and Mary MacKillop took their first tentative steps towards the foundation of the Institute [1] of Saint Joseph. Mary, who had charge of the catholic school in Penola, indicated her commitment by wearing a black dress. Years […]
Fr Julian: Man of Words – Letter Four
On 2 February 1874, Father Julian Tenison Woods gave a lecture in Melbourne entitled How Australia was discovered and explored. A large number of people attended with Mr William Archer in the chair for the evening. The following day an extensive summary of the lecture was published in the Melbourne Argus [i] and the article […]
Peace in the Universe
Elaine Wainwright suggests that the latest space discoveries invite is to read John 14:23-29 with a whole new appreciation of love and relationship in the cosmos. At this time of year we ponder more explicitly the extraordinary moments of death and life that weave their way through our experience. These moments are always with us, […]
International Earth Day 2019
The Gift of Earth If we look around us, wherever we are at this moment, there is nothing we can note with our senses that is not gift of Earth. It does not matter how far or distant from nature the elements we are observing are, the source is Earth. The ceiling of the Sistine […]
Easter Greetings from Sr Monica Cavanagh
Greetings on this great feast of Easter. So they, the women, left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples – Jesus is risen.Mt 28:8 As Pope Francis reflects: ‘The Easter Triduum is the memorial of a drama of love that gives us the certainty that we will never […]
Walking in Two Worlds: Ancient Cultures and New Settlers
New Zealanders expressed both grief and unity at the time of the Christchurch tragedy; they showed the world that humanity can rise after terrible events They honoured the dead, fostered unity and demonstrated the truth of the inclusive ‘us’. Their Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, embraced the whole of the nation’s heritage and culture: of those […]
Fr Julian: Man of Words – Letter Three
On 21 May 1887, the Sydney Morning Herald [i] published an article by Fr Julian Tenison Woods on his trip to the Victoria River. This river (named for Queen Victoria) runs from the northern edge of the Tanami Desert to the coast near the Western Australian-Northern Territory border. Father Julian obviously enjoyed his trip in […]
Why Did Fr Julian Woods Found the Josephites?
In the year 1866 Father Julian Woods, aided by Mary MacKillop, founded the Sisters of Saint Joseph in Penola, South Australia, for the Catholic Education of children from poor families. [1] But why did this busy priest working in one of the largest mission areas in the colony take this step?