From: 01/05/2021 - 2:00 am
To: 08/07/2021
  • Western Australia

Living in a Christ-soaked World

Is the Incarnation a one-time and one-person Jesus of Nazareth event, or is it a cosmic event that has soaked all of history in the Divine Presence from the very beginning?

This retreat explores the possibility of opening the ancient door of faith to the proper understanding of the word ‘Christ.’  Over these days we will explore our own drops of experience to discover a Christ-soaked world.  This retreat is based on Richard Rohr’s book – ‘The Universal Christ’.

Date:  9 – 15 July

Facilitator: Ann Morrison rsj

Venue: Kilmolee at Safety Bay, 182 Arcadia Drive, Safety Bay

Enquiries and registration:  Dianne Colborne rsj

(08) 9527 3240  |

Cost: $650

Applications close 16 June 2021