30th Anniversary of Mary MacKillop’s Beatification
January 18, 2025
Thirty years ago in 1995, I found myself in the very privileged role of President of the Australian-New Zealand Federation of Sisters of St Joseph, which was comprised of the diocesan congregations of Perthville, Lochinvar, Goulburn, Tasmania and New Zealand.
Randwick Racecourse in Sydney was the ideal place for Mary MacKillop’s beatification ceremony. On entering the course precinct, the buzz of anticipation and excitement was tangible. Thousands of Australians and people from far beyond filled the venue. There seemed to be instant camaraderie between complete strangers, all with the same reason for being at Randwick that historical day.
Celebrating Mary MacKillop’s Birthday
January 14, 2025
As we celebrate Mary’s birthday again on 15 January 2025, it is very fitting that her birthsite has recently been upgraded and made more accessible to visitors.
The birthsite in Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, became a building site in 2022. St Vincent’s Private Hospital, that occupies the site, planned to build additional wards and theatres into the space. The original monuments commemorating Mary’s beatification and canonisation were temporally removed to make way for the building.
New Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope
December 31, 2024
As we begin this New Year, we give thank for all the blessings, memories and gifts of 2024. It was year filled with many joys and many challenges as people faced economic hardship, the loss of loved ones, war and climatic changes among other things. There were also moments when we rejoiced in the good news stories of heroic acts, the achievements at the Olympic games, the hope forged through the Church’s synod process and many more treasured moments.
As we step into 2025, we do with hearts full of hope. In the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has announced a Jubilee Year through which we are invited to become Pilgrims of Hope. Throughout the year there will be many events both locally and internationally to ignite the gift of hope among us.
Praying with Mary MacKillop in November
November 8, 2024
In this month of November, we traditionally remember the dead and depending upon our theology, we pray for the dead, to the dead or with the dead. A friend of mine has a strong belief and practice of praying to someone who has just died for a special situation. In current theology on the Communion of Saints, we are more likely to pray with the dead and our revised Litany of Mary MacKillop invites us to do just that.
Given all that, Mary MacKillop was more likely to pray for the dead, and she had plenty of opportunities to do so since seven members of her family died during Mary’s lifetime.
My Experience of Mary MacKillop’s Canonisation
October 8, 2024For me the privilege of being in Rome for Mary MacKillop’s canonisation (17 October 2010) was the culmination of my Josephite journey to that point.
I was educated in primary and secondary school, and then teacher’s college with the Josephites. This gave me the opportunity to come to know the values and spirit of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. It helped me to be open, questioning and searching, the fertile ground to hear God’s call to me. My journey with the Josephites took me to many parts of New South Wales seeing ordinary people who, like my family, were the beneficiary of the commitment of so many of the Sisters.
Tri-diocesan Young Adults Pilgrimage to Mary MacKillop Place
A group of young adults from the Dioceses of Broken Bay, Sydney and Parramatta recently embarked on a meaningful pilgrimage to Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney. This journey was a chance to learn about the life of Australia’s first canonised saint, and an opportunity for participants to reflect on their own paths and how they might embody her values in their lives.
Young Adults and Professionals Pilgrimage to Mary MacKillop Place
September 6, 2024
The above quote by Mary MacKillop is a reminder that this life is temporary and a journey. As we journey through life, we encounter ups and downs which can shape our lives and contribute to who we are.
On Sunday 18 August (and in the month of Mary MacKillop’s feast), The Forest and Set Alight communities of young adults and professionals from Ryde-Gladesville Parish in Sydney, joined together to embark on a pilgrimage to learn more about the life and legacy of Mary MacKillop, a woman who understood the journey of life.
Celebrating St Mary MacKillop’s Feast at Mary MacKillop Place

St Mary MacKillop’s feast day is a momentous occasion, and to those of us blessed to call Mary MacKillop Place our workplace, we prepare to ensure everything runs smoothly for the large number of pilgrims who celebrate the feast each year.
Every team at Mary MacKillop Place has a crucial role, from organising liturgies to managing the facilities on site, conference services, catering, the café, and the many hours of behind-the-scenes administration, cooking, cleaning and stocking up etc.