The Fragrance of Oneing The Beloved is mine and I am the Beloved’s. In this silent retreat, we will awaken the senses of...
How are we Treasuring our Later Years? The ‘second half of life,’ our later years, continue to hold potential. We bring a wealth of experiences to...
Spring in September – An Australian Landscape Spring awakens the revival and reinvigoration of the natural world of which we are an essential part. When one...
“Wisdom of the Body” – Everything that is… is holy This silent guided retreat will draw on the wisdom from Celtic Spirituality and from the book Wisdom of the...
The Strength of Women’s Witness We consider how we women today are called to leadership and missionary discipleship as were the Samaritan Woman at...
Contemplative Retreat: Create a Climate of Change Mahatma Gandhi once said: There is in the universe a force, which, if we permit it, will flow through...