Date: 01/06/2024
  • South Australia

An opportunity to explore ways to be kinder and more compassionate towards ourselves and others.

In particular, exploring ways to:

  • understand, accept and appreciate others
  • improve relationships with family, friends, colleagues
  • create more harmony in our lives and community

Afternoon tea will be provided and there will be a raffle to support Josephite ministries.

  • When: Saturday 1 June 2024
  • Presenter: Pauline Morgan rsj
  • Hosts: Josephite Companions
  • Where: Bethany Centre, Mary MacKillop Precinct, 4 High Street, Kensington, South Australia (street parking only)
  • Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
  • No Cost
  • Registration: Friday 24 May 2024
  • Enquiries: call 0417 871 904 or email
Date: 25/05/2024
  • South Australia

Many Australian artists, sculptors and poets have set about to interpret the person and role of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

At the Vatican II Council, new insights into Mariology emerged. We explore these as we reflect upon the significance of Mary, a woman who can show us how to grow in faith and in personhood through embracing life’s circumstances.

This day is suitable for all adults. It is also approved by CESA as a System Accredited Module for teachers, requiring the submission of a 1500 word reflection paper.

  • When: Saturday 25 May 2024
  • Facilitator: Val DeBrenni
  • Where: Bethany Centre, Mary MacKillop Precinct, 4 High Street, Kensington, South Australia (street parking only)
  • Time: 9:30am – 4:00pm
  • Cost: CESA Accredited: $95; Adult full $70; Adult Concession/Pensioner: $45
  • RSVP: Friday 10 May 2024
  • Registration: via Trybooking –
  • Lunch: BYO
  • Enquiries: call (08) 8130 5916 or email
Date: 18/05/2024
  • South Australia

Born into a struggling, dysfunctional family, a young woman held onto her dream of making a difference in her class-conscious colonial world, until she was freed of her heavy family responsibilities.

Then came even greater challenges! Still she soldiered on!

Mary MacKillop’s story and legacy show us that it is possible to rise above the ‘nasties’ that life can throw at us, and retain our sanity – and our sense of humour!

This presentation is an official 2024 South Australia’s History Festival event. It will be followed by refreshments and an optional, guided tour of Mary MacKillop Museum.

Date: 08/05/2024
  • South Australia

Join us, in the place where Mary actually lived for 11 years. Come and discover a little more about her life, words and legacy!

In this two-hour session we will explore aspects of Mary’s inspirational story.

There will be time for some input, plus guided and personal reflection, refreshments and conversation.

You might like to finish the morning with lunch in the Precinct’s High Street Café.

Come alone, or with a friend! All are welcome!

  • When: Monday 8 May 2024
  • Presenters: Mary Ryan rsj and Josephite Companions
  • Where: Bethany Centre, Mary MacKillop Precinct, 4 High Street, Kensington, South Australia (street parking only)
  • Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
  • No Registration/Cost: Donation appreciated as a contribution to the ministries of the Sisters of Saint Joseph
  • Enquiries: call (08) 8130 5916 or email on Mary MacKillop
Date: 27/04/2024
  • South Australia
Hope opens new horizons, making us capable of dreaming what is not even imaginable. Pope Francis

This quiet day of reflection offers the opportunity to spend time with yourself and with God to reflect on your current hopes and dreams.

The day will provide a space of freedom to explore your desires and the life-giving possibilities that await.

There will be some input, time for personal reflection, some sharing and opportunities for creativity.

This day is suitable for all adults. It is also approved by CESA as a System Accredited Module for teachers, requiring the submission of a 1500 word reflection paper.

  • When: Saturday 27 April 2024
  • Facilitator: Lorraine Muir*
  • Where: Bethany Centre, Mary MacKillop Precinct, 4 High Street, Kensington, South Australia (street parking only)
  • Time: 10:30am – 3:30pm
  • Cost: CESA Accrediated: $95; Adult full $70; Adult Concession/Pensioner: $45
  • RSVP: Friday 12 April 2024
  • Registration: via Trybooking –
  • Lunch: BYO
  • Enquiries: call (08) 8130 5916 or email
Date: 08/04/2024
  • South Australia

Join us, in the place where Mary actually lived for 11 years. Come and discover a little more about her life, words and legacy!

In this two-hour session we will explore aspects of Mary’s inspirational story.

There will be time for some input, plus guided and personal reflection, refreshments and conversation.

You might like to finish the morning with lunch in the Precinct’s High Street Café.

Come alone, or with a friend! All are welcome!

  • When: Monday 8 April 2024
  • Presenters: Mary Ryan rsj and Josephite Companions
  • Where: Bethany Centre, Mary MacKillop Precinct, 4 High Street, Kensington, South Australia (street parking only)
  • Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
  • No Registration/Cost: Donation appreciated as a contribution to the ministries of the Sisters of Saint Joseph
  • Enquiries: call (08) 8130 5916 or email
Date: 06/04/2024
  • South Australia

In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus said to his disciples:

Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.

Jesus the teacher was sharing wisdom with his disciples. He knew the value of stopping, resting, listening, praying and making time to be with his God.

Today as modern-day disciples you are invited to rest your soul, relax, become aware of PRESENCE, you with God and God with you. A time to clear a space for God’s action. We don’t know what God has in store for us but are we willing to risk what we will find out?

You are invited on this day to engage with opportunities to hear the whisperings of God through prayer, reflection, scripture, music, art and nature in and around this beautiful area including the gardens, the church and little nooks you can enjoy and find your quiet place. You will receive a take home booklet to revisit and restore your spirit at other times.

This day is suitable for all adults. It is also approved by CESA as a System Accredited Module for teachers, requiring the submission of a 1500 word reflection paper.

  • When: Saturday 6 April 2024
  • Facilitator: Lillian VanBrussel
  • Where: Bethany Centre, Mary MacKillop Precinct, 4 High Street, Kensington, South Australia (street parking only)
  • Time: 9:30am – 4:00pm
  • Cost: CESA Accredited $95; Adult full: $70; Adult Concession/Pensioner: $45
  • RSVP: Friday 22 March 2024
  • Registration: via Trybooking –
  • Lunch: BYO
  • Enquiries: call (08) 8130 5916 or email
Date: 06/09/2024
  • South Australia

Elderflowering… a series of interactive, creative workshops for Seniors

When we choose to ripen, to awaken as we age, we offer a gift to the world and future generations…
Kathleen Dowling Singh – Hospice worker, Psychoanalyst, Spiritual Writer

The inner graces of ageing are: wisdom, authenticity, spiritual beauty, unfolding, discernment and inner reflection – this is ‘Elderflowering’.

In this series of four interactive and creative workshops, we will be exploring conscious eldering, the inner face of ageing with a focus on the spirituality of our Autumn and Winter seasons, the songlines and storylines of our life, thresholds, the place of memory and discovering ourselves, through the gift of poetry and metaphor as a holy language.

Final Session: Winter, the Season of Grace

How many lessons of faith and beauty we should lose, if there was no winter in our year! Arthur Wentworth Higginson

In this final session, we will be exploring: the art of sageing, the ‘grace of holy listening,’ the place of memory, ‘Arrivals, Departures and Gratefulness,’ releasing and integration, the tradition of Salt Woman and The Gift of Tears. We will also be exploring the concept of poetry and metaphor as holy language.

This session will include poetry, selected readings, wisdom sayings, music, a reflective exercise and will conclude with a summary of our journey in ‘Elderflowering’ and a meditation.

  • When: Friday 6 September 2024
  • Facilitator: Lorraine Muir*
  • Where: Bethany Centre, Mary MacKillop Precinct, 4 High Street, Kensington, South Australia (street parking only)
  • Time: 10:30am – 3:30pm
  • Cost: Adult full $50; Adult Concession/Pensioner: $35
  • RSVP: Friday 23 August 2024
  • Registration: via Trybooking –
  • Lunch: BYO or pre-order from the Precinct’s High Street Café (0408 851 020)
  • Enquiries: call (08) 8130 5916 or email


*educator, pioneer and passionate advocate for holistic and person-centred care in the area of specialised dementia care, palliative care and ageing.