Mary MacKillop Feast Day Celebrations 2024

 Mary MacKillop Place, the Sisters of Saint Joseph and Mary MacKillop Today extend a warm invitation to all to celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop on Thursday, 8 August 2024. We look forward to welcoming everyone, including our pilgrims and supporters, to Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney.

Feast of St Ignatius – Finding God in a time of Plague

The medieval town of Manresa sits upon the banks of the Cardoner River, a little north of Barcelona in Catalonia, Spain. For devotees of Ignatian spirituality and Jesuits, Manresa is intimately linked to the story of St Ignatius of Loyola’s conversion and the place where his famous manual for prayer, the Spiritual Exercises were conceived.

Feast of the Triumph of the Cross

For the feast of the Triumph of the Cross celebrated on 14 September, Sr Katrina Brill shares a Personal Reflection. Most days in cosmopolitan Auckland, I would see in my daily outings the symbol of the cross – hanging from a car mirror, around a girl’s neck, as a marker for death on a road, […]

A Favourite Christian Feast – The Assumption of Mary, Mother of God

Do you have a favourite Christian feast? St Mary MacKillop claimed the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (or Mother of God) as hers.[1] This feast has its origins in Jerusalem before the end of the fourth century. The early Christians held Mary, the loving and courageous Jewish Mother of Jesus, as one of their […]

Mary MacKillop Feast Day Celebrations 2023

Mary MacKillop Place and the Sisters of Saint Joseph extend a warm invitation to all to celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop on Tuesday, 8 August 2023. “Mary MacKillop Place is a sacred site unlike any other because Mary lived, died and is buried here,” says Sr Monica Cavanagh, Congregational […]

Epiphany: Christmas Camels

When asked to write about the feast of 6 January called ‘Epiphany’, I discovered that Eastern and Western Churches emphasise different aspects of the theme ‘manifestation’, which is the meaning of the Greek word ‘Epiphany’. Eastern Churches focus on God’s manifestation of Jesus’ divinity at his baptism and at Cana, where he begins his public […]