Tenth Anniversary of Te Kiritahitanga/Fusion
A document was received by the Sisters of St Joseph in Whanganui, New Zealand, and the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart in Sydney, Australia on 22 February 2013. Coming from the Vatican, the words brought into reality a journey which had started many years before for the Whanganui Sisters. When the first […]
Your Water, Your Life, No Water, No Future
Sisters of Saint Joseph based in Whanganui, Aotearoa New Zealand, recently joined the community to express their concerns for how the water may be used in their community. In the small city of Whanganui, Aotearoa New Zealand, a bottling company’s plans to extract aquifer water from an existing capped bore beside the old unused Milk […]
Papal Approbation for Whanganui Foundation
In 1928, Congregational Leader of the Whanganui Sisters of Saint Joseph, Sr Lucy Donovan with Sr Xavier Malone, attended the Eucharistic Congress in Sydney. The Apostolic Delegate urged them to consider unity with the Australian Diocesan Congregations. Sr Aquin of Lochinvar in 1934, proposed union between the five Congregations of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, […]