To acknowledge the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December) and Pope Francis’ December prayer intention: For persons with disabilities, St Anthony’s Family Care provides a feature on their Figtree Early Learning Centre.

Ensuring the meaningful inclusion of children at Figtree Early Learning Centre is not just a social and moral responsibility; it is also an adventure of discovery, laughter, and growth that we have been on for the last 12 years.

At Figtree, we believe that every child has the right to be a significant part of their community. What better way to support their journey than through the vibrant, fun, and exciting programs offered at Figtree? Our programs are developed and implemented by the dedicated team of educators at Figtree and aim to support children’s communication, self-help skills and the development of their social interactions alongside peers. Friendships flourish in an environment that encourages collaboration, empathy, and a joy of shared experiences.

In addition to providing care to typically developing children, Figtree also provides specialised support for children with disabilities and developmental delays. Children attending the service have a range of disabilities that include Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Global Developmental Delays as well as vision and hearing impairments.

For all children, the team imagine an education and care experience that goes beyond traditional boundaries. Partnerships with families and other early intervention professionals are not just encouraged but celebrated to ensure the best outcomes for the children at the service as we collaborate to curate programs with the feedback of all stakeholders, always ensuring the child is at the centre.

The team of educators at Figtree strive to make sure that our centre is a place that sees each and every child as a unique individual, with a voice that deserves to be heard and ideas that deserve to be explored based on their interests and their evolving needs.

In this thriving early childhood education and care space, a sense of belonging isn’t just a concept; it’s a daily reality, where staff ensure a warm embrace that tells every child, “You are an essential thread in the tapestry of our village”.

Within the new St Anthony’s Family Care village, our purpose-built childcare centre, has been built with every nook and cranny designed to inspire wonder and curiosity for all children. The expansive outdoor area is not just a space to run and play; it is a canvas for imagination and discovery. Key when supporting children with a range of diverse needs.

At Figtree, children are provided with the opportunity to climb structures, discover the joy of the natural environment and spark creativity at every turn. In this village, peers become partners in the grand adventure of childhood.

What truly sets Figtree Early Learning Centre apart is the team of committed staff who believe wholeheartedly in the boundless abilities of all children. These are not just caregivers; they are mentors, cheerleaders, and guides on the exciting journey of learning and self-discovery.

The magic lies in the belief that when we support the inclusion of every child, we’re not just building a village; we’re crafting a world where diversity is celebrated, and every child’s unique light shines brightly.

We are on a mission to create a world where every child not only belongs but thrives, and where the journey of inclusion is as thrilling as the destination itself.

Teresa Petrone
Executive Manager, Early Learning Services
St Anthony’s Family Care