This week (16-24 May), we celebrate the fifth anniversary of Laudato Si’, the amazing and life changing encyclical by Pope Francis.

This revolutionary document calls us, as Catherine Shelton rsj so succinctly states:

To profound change, a radical new consciousness of our relatedness within every aspect of creation. It calls us to grow into a spirituality that will encourage, motivate, galvanise and nourish us. Catherine Shelton rsj

Pope Francis summons us, both to a deep and profound care for earth, and to a clearer recognition of the challenges facing earth and all of creation. He reminds us, in the theme of this week, that “everything is connected”.

Both Pope Francis and Bishop Long offer reflections (provided below) that call us to a new place. You are invited to share these with families and communities, as we consider once again the gift and challenges of this time.

The confluence of recent events – the young people’s climate strike (School Strike 4 Climate) on Friday 15 May, the tragedy of the summer bushfires across Australia, the impact of COVID-19 – all of these can only strengthen the call of this encyclical, articulated by these two inspiring church leaders, to care more deliberately for earth and the common good.

You might also find some of the following resources helpful:

Jan Barnett rsj
Josephite Justice Coordinator

Pope Francis invites the Church to celebrate Laudato Si’ Week

Message for the Fifth Anniversary of Laudato Si (Bishop Vincent Long | Chair, Bishops Commission for Social Justice – Mission and Service)


Pope Francis obtained from pxhere. Used with permission.
Brown Tree Trunk by Mahima obtained from Pexels. Used with permission.