Eldering is not confined to the last phases of life. It is a conscious, active, evolutionary process involving deep personal and social transformation as we move through and beyond mid-life. It touches particularly into the spiritual dimensions of all aspects and stages of ageing of which loss is an integral part.

The Josephite Eldering Team has created the following guidelines to foster this philosophy while promoting new images and stories of our evolutionary journey to conscious elderhood:

  • To promote positive eldering, ‘Bring Me What You Have’, and find new ways for the future through the exploration of God’s call to us at this time as we appreciate the gift of so many elders with lived experience and wisdom in our Congregation.
  • To assist Leadership as we attend to our personal and communal loss, pain and hurt and believe that even in our vulnerability we have enough strength and resilience.
  • To promote a positive vision of spirituality and self-care through the four foundation stones: theology, spirituality, pastoral care and ethics.
  • To assist Leaders to explore current and future needs connected with our Congregation’s demographics and
  • To provide a network for those who are employed to provide care for and to walk with our elders.

Articles, Reflections and Videos

Eye of the Sun by Lorraine Muir

Leaving by Lorraine Muir

Paint Outside the Lines by Lorraine Margaret Muir

Where do unlived lives go by Lorraine Muir

For whom am I a beacon? by Maryellen Thomas rsj

Who Are We? by Fr Philip Marshall

We invite you to read these articles by Catherine Shelton rsj and reflect on your own Eldering journey.

Article 1: Josephite Eldering Team

Article 2: Looking Back – Life Review

Article 3: Reframing the Stories of Our Lives

Article 4: Life Repair: Forgiveness and Healing of Relationships

Article 5: Life Repair: Requesting and Receiving Forgiveness

Article 6: Life Repair: Forgiving Ourselves

Article 7: Eldering – Reclaiming Unlived Life

Article 8: Letting go the Life that Cannot be Lived

Article 9: Retreat – Affirming My Life, Loves and Death

You are also invited to watch a Webinar from the Eldering Team hosted by Sr Maryellen Thomas, entitled “Live the Life that Chooses You”.

Additionally, you are invited to watch our Circled with Strength videos, released in 2018 and 2019 and featuring Sisters of Saint Joseph.