For whom am I a beacon?
Surely if humans are fortunate enough to live longer than the age of producing and rearing of offspring, there must be a purpose. We know that elderhood is a distinct phase in life that many of us achieve through the grace of longevity. It involves completing the previous stages of childhood, adolescence and adulting. Elders […]
July Prayer Intention: The Elderly
Each month, Pope Francis asks for our prayers for a specific intention. For the month of July, the prayer intention is for the elderly. The Story of Two Women There is an Alaskan Legend about two old women who were left to die when their tribe came across hard times. The families, who loved their […]
Eldering is not confined to the last phases of life. It is a conscious, active, evolutionary process involving deep personal and social transformation as we move through and beyond mid-life. It touches particularly into the spiritual dimensions of all aspects and stages of ageing of which loss is an integral part. The Josephite Eldering Team […]