From: 01/12/2024
To: 08/12/2024
  • New South Wales

Our heart knows what our mind has forgotten – it knows the sacred that is within all that exists.

During this retreat the invitation is to deepen our sense of wonder and mystery.

  • Guided: Carmel Drew rsj
  • When: Sunday 1 – Sunday 8 December 2024
  • Where: St Joseph’s Baulkham Hills – 33 Barina Downs Road, Norwest, New South Wales 2153
  • Cost: $800
  • More Information and Contact Details:
From: 01/12/2024
To: 08/12/2024
  • New South Wales

This retreat allows us to dip into what we are awaiting, our deepest longing, God-with-us.

Attending to our universal guest, we discover ever more deeply the guidance wisdom and faithfulness of the ‘God-with-us’ in the ups and downs of our everyday reality.

God incarnate calls us ever more deeply into like every second of every day.

Please bring your bible.

  • Guided: Ann Morrison rsj
  • When: Sunday 1 – Sunday 8 December 2024
  • Where: St Joseph’s Baulkham Hills – 33 Barina Downs Road, Norwest, New South Wales 2153
  • Cost: $800
  • More Information and Contact Details:
From: 01/11/2024
To: 30/11/2024
  • New South Wales

The Sabbatical is for women and men religious living ‘the time of the Sage’. The rich time of life in the 80’s years. An excellent team of Australian-based presenters.

  • Coordinator: Rita Malavisi rsj
  • When: Friday 1 – Saturday 30 November 2024
  • Where: St Joseph’s Baulkham Hills – 33 Barina Downs Road, Norwest, New South Wales 2153
  • Cost: $5,870
  • More Information and Contact Details:
From: 20/09/2024
To: 27/09/2024
  • New South Wales

This silent guided retreat will draw on the wisdom from Celtic Spirituality and from the book Wisdom of the Body by Christine Valters Paintner.

It will offer a contemplative journey to wholeness, recognising that our bodies and Earth’s body are One and are vessels to the Holy. The themes will be developed through Sacred, Music, Poetry, and Contemplative processes.

  • Guided by: Lyndall Brown rsj and Elaine Smith rsj / Directed by: Therese Carroll rsj
  • When: Friday 20 – Friday 27 September 2024
  • Where: St Joseph’s Spirituality and Education Centre – 8 Humphreys Road, Kincumber South, New South Wales 2251
  • Cost: $800 (guided) / $850 (directed)
  • More Information and Contact Details:
From: 30/08/2024
To: 06/09/2024
  • New South Wales

Through the silence of this retreat, we are invited into the embrace of the Trinity and experience the Hospitality of God. Over these days we will contemplate the Rublev Icon. Henry Nouwen says: the more we look at this holy image with the eyes of faith, the more we come to realise that it is painted not as a lovely decoration for a convent church, nor as a helpful explanation for a difficult doctrine, but as a holy place to enter and stay within.

  • Guided by: Ann Morrison rsj / Directed by: Maureen McDermott rsj
  • When: Friday 30 August – Friday 6 September 2024
  • Where: St Joseph’s Spirituality and Education Centre – 8 Humphreys Road, Kincumber South, New South Wales 2251
  • Cost: $800 (guided) / $850 (directed)
  • More Information and Contact Details:
From: 12/07/2024
To: 19/07/2024
  • New South Wales
My soul yearns for You, O God yes my spirit within me seeks You earnestly. Isaiah 26:9

During the retreat there will be the opportunity to reflect on the longings of our heart and the God who longs for us.

  • Guided by: Guided: Maureen McDermott rsj / Directed by: David King cp / Directed by: Dr Kerrie Hide
  • When: Friday 12 – Friday 19 July 2024
  • Where: St Joseph’s Spirituality and Education Centre – 8 Humphreys Road, Kincumber South, New South Wales 2251
  • Cost: $800 (guided) / $850 (directed)
  • More Information and Contact Details:
From: 07/07/2024
To: 14/07/2024
  • New South Wales
In the beginning was the dream. In the eternal night where no dawn broke, the dream deepened. Before anything ever was, it had to be dreamed. John O’Donohue

A six-day silent guided retreat immersed in God’s dream.

  • Guided: Therese Carroll rsj
  • When: Sunday 7 – Sunday 14 July 2024
  • Where: St Joseph’s Baulkham Hills – 33 Barina Downs Road, Norwest, New South Wales 2153
  • Cost: $800
  • More Information and Contact Details:
From: 07/07/2024
To: 14/07/2024
  • New South Wales

The Parables are puzzling stories using figurative language and usually have a twist. They challenge us to change, to see differently how life can be in God. Come along to discover the possible meanings of the Parables for Jesus’ original audience and our life today.

  • Guided: Jenny Scally rsj
  • When: Sunday 7 – Sunday 14 July 2024
  • Where: St Joseph’s Baulkham Hills – 33 Barina Downs Road, Norwest, New South Wales 2153
  • Cost: $800
  • More Information and Contact Details: