Women artisan groups in Peru.

Each month, Pope Francis asks for our prayers for a specific intention. For the month of August, the prayer intention is for small businesses.

The Pope’s monthly prayer intentions are a call for all of us to transform our prayers into actions; with compassion for the world, to build a more humane and caring world through prayer and action.

We pray for small and medium sized businesses, in the midst of economic and social crisis. May they find ways to continue operating and serving their communities.

ethica is the fair-trade social enterprise of Mary MacKillop Today, working with women artisan groups in Peru. We are a small business, that has faced, like others, many challenges in Peru and Australia over the past years.

Our focus is on income improvement and market access. Our goal is to create employment opportunities and to connect thoughtful consumers with the people and traditions behind every one of our products.

We work with small groups of women artisans in Peru to generate opportunities and employment so they can earn an income from the making of their products. We bring them to market in Australia, and we hope with time, the women can find other buyers or start their own businesses.

We support and celebrate local culture, traditions, practices and slow fashion. The reality is that women in rural and marginalised areas don’t have many opportunities of making a living, however, with ethica they do.

It is with your action of purchasing ethica products that you contribute to the women’s livelihood, so they can participate in the family finances and provide their children with better food. They can feel proud of their accomplishments and help in family finances and decisions.

We work together as small businesses, but we need you as part of the circle to make a difference and a better world.

Join us and invest in a more just world.

Shop now by visiting www.ethica.org.au

Gina Bradley
National Manager