JJN: June Prayer Intention, Refugee Week and World Refugee Day

The Josephite Justice Network (JJN) provides three reflections on Pope Francis’ June Prayer Intention, Refugee Week (16-22 June) and World Refugee Day (20 June). June Prayer Intention: Those fleeing own countries – Joelle Sassine Refugee Week 2024 – Finding Freedom: Family – Violet Cabral Embracing Humanity: World Refugee Day and Living Out Gospel Values – Emilia […]


June Prayer Intention: Those fleeing own countries

In June, we pray with Pope Francis for migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys fraught with danger and violence; may they find welcome and new life opportunities in their host countries. To host means to receive, but in order to receive, our hearts must be open. In his June prayer intention, […]


Who wants to be a Martyr?

 Each month, Pope Francis asks for our prayers for a specific intention. For the month of March, the prayer intention is for the martyrs of our day, witnesses to Christ: Let us pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the world might imbue the Church with their […]


Letting Go

Each month, Pope Francis asks for our prayers for a specific intention. For the month of February, the prayer intention is for the Terminally Ill. Additionally, we annually commemorate the World Day of the Sick on 11 February. For these prayer intentions, Jefferies Foale CP shares a reflection. I follow every stroke at Australian Open […]


May Prayer Intention: Ecclesial movements and groups

Pope Francis has named his prayer intention in May for the ecclesial movements and groups in the Church. He states that they are a “gift” and “treasure” to the Church, and, I believe, to the wider world. These ecclesial movements and lay associations spread the Gospel message of love, in many and various ways, and […]


Changing lives one stamp at a time

Each month, Pope Francis asks for our prayers for a specific intention. For the month of December, the prayer intention is for volunteers and not-for-profit organisations: We pray that volunteer non-profit organisations committed to human development find people dedicated to the common good and ceaselessly seek out new paths to international cooperation. Volunteers make an […]


October Prayer Intention: A Church Open to Everyone

Each month, Pope Francis asks for our prayers for a specific intention. For the month of October, the prayer intention is for a Church open to everyone. We pray for the Church ever faithful to and courageous to preaching the Gospel. May the church be a community of solidarity, fraternity and welcome, always living in […]


ethica’s actions uplift women and small business

Women artisan groups in Peru. Each month, Pope Francis asks for our prayers for a specific intention. For the month of August, the prayer intention is for small businesses. The Pope’s monthly prayer intentions are a call for all of us to transform our prayers into actions; with compassion for the world, to build a […]


May Prayer Intention: Faith-filled young people

 May – For Faith-Filled Young People video by The Pope Video. Each month, Pope Francis asks for our prayers for a specific intention. For the month of May, the prayer intention is for faith-filled young people. In an increasingly secular world, you often wonder if there are still many people of faith, especially young […]
