Conversion of St Paul
We commemorate the feast of the Conversion of St Paul (previously named Saul) on 25 January annually. On the road to Damascus, Saul of Tarsus was turned upside down and inside out. Usually referred to as his ‘conversion’, it has been described by one scholar as “the intervention by the risen Christ into Paul’s interior […]
Epiphany – God puts on flesh!
We saw his star at its rising… Matthew 2:2 God puts on flesh! God brings light! What do we do? The word ‘epiphany’ used in Greek indicates an appearance or manifestation. What does it invite us to?
Christmas Message 2024
As we come to celebrate Christmas this year, we are mindful of the many places in our world troubled by wars, violence, climatic issues, economic disadvantage, and endless challenges. We are invited to walk with Mary and Joseph on the road to the Bethlehem’s of our heart. All was not well in the time […]
Preparing for Christmas
What preparations do you have in place for this upcoming Christmas? The days leading up to Christmas are often filled with joy and excitement. Conversations revolve around choosing the perfect gifts, planning festive meals, and deciding who will host the celebrations — these are all part of the everyday preparations for that special day. But […]