Educational Book of the Year Winners Announced
Congratulations to Sr Mary-Ann Casanova PhD whose book, We Care for God’s Earth, has been jointly selected as Garratt Publishing’s Educational Book of the Year! Sr Mary-Ann shares the award with Kathryn Robinson and her book, Know Your Bible. We Care for God’s Earth and Know your Bible are both part of Garratt Publishing’s Living […]
Book Review: Journeying with Joseph
The title of the book, Journeying with Joseph, offers a broad canvas on which the authors explore and honor Joseph, whom Christians know as the foster father of Jesus. The idea of the work evolved from the creative mind of its editor, Mary Cresp rsj, and from Josephite history impregnated as it is with the […]
New Publication—Journeying With Joseph: Josephite Essays for the Year of St Joseph
In response to the proclamation by Pope Francis of 2021 as the Year of Saint Joseph, the Sisters of Saint Joseph have published a new book of essays: Journeying with Joseph: Josephite Essays for the Year of Saint Joseph. The collection, edited by Sr Mary Cresp and published by ATF Press, explores the many facets […]