Planet vs. Plastics image by Earth Day.

In 2024, Earth Day (22 April) has a theme of Planet vs. Plastics. In our sports orientated cultures, the “vs.” denotes an impending contest, a winner and a loser, vocal enthusiastic one-sided supporters, spectator involvement and a set of agreed rules. This Planet vs. Plastics fixture breaks the mold somewhat. The contest is for the sake of human and planetary health. It will take longer than a Cricket Test Match with the Earth trophy being a 60% reduction in the production of ALL plastics by 2040.

Since 1970, Earth Day has promoted environmental conservation and sustainability through community action and connection with nature. This year, individuals are called to act to end the trend of fast fashion and to act for the rapid phasing out of single use plastics. Governments and industry are urged to support the United Nations Treaty on Plastics and to invest in research and development of alternatives to plastics.

On Earth Day, you are invited to celebrate the first year of the Josephite Soft Plastics Campaign – we’ve been in pre-season training with Team Planet. Some ‘player profiles’ are available in the Eco-Hero section of our Laudato Si’ Action Plan webpage here.

Let’s continue to be vocal, enthusiastic and involved.

You can find out more and view activities and resources for Earth Day here.

Sr Mary-Ann Casanova PhD
Project Officer – Explore~Embrace~Embody Laudato Si’ Action Plan