Webinar: ‘Voices of Hope and Faith’ featuring Sr Mary-Ann Casanova PhD

 The Laudato Si’ Action Platform recently hosted a webinar titled ”Voices of Hope and Faith: Global Catholic Religious in the Heart of Climate Action” during Laudato Si’ Week where attendees learned how they are bridging faith and daily action, and gained inspiring insights for the journey toward integral ecology.


Laudato Si’ Week 2024: 19-26 May

This year marks the ninth anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical to every person living on this planet. Seeds of Hope is the chosen theme of the weeklong Laudato Si’ celebration. We are invited to be seeds of hope in our lives and our world, and to be rooted in the […]


Planet vs. Plastics: Earth Day 2024

In 2024, Earth Day (22 April) has a theme of Planet vs. Plastics. In our sports orientated cultures, the “vs.” denotes an impending contest, a winner and a loser, vocal enthusiastic one-sided supporters, spectator involvement and a set of agreed rules. This Planet vs. Plastics fixture breaks the mold somewhat. The contest is for the […]


A new home for everything

Showing Off What do you do with the contents of a home when it’s no longer needed? This challenge was met head-on by Sisters of Saint Joseph support staff when they were asked to clear the contents of a property in preparation for its sale. The house had a plethora of of furniture, kitchenware, bedding, […]


Saving the world one quilt at a time

Showing Off Sr Helen, a Sister of Saint Joseph, shares her story. It was in the 1970s during my time in Woomera I first became aware of the ‘throw away’ society we had become, the local tip was known locally as ‘K-mart’ and it was a regular habit for the locals to go ‘shopping’ there. One […]


Josephites in Australia actively respond to Laudato Si’

The Sisters of Saint Joseph have recently been featured in Vatican News and the L’Osservatore Romano (Vatican City newspaper) for their response to Laudato Si’.You’re invited to view the article via the Vatican News and L’Osservatore Romano websites below. Josephites in Australia actively respond to Laudato Si’ – Vatican News Explore, Embrace, Embody (Josephites in […]
