Come, now! I will send you… I will be with you.
The most overused word in the journalists’ lexicon these days is ‘unprecedented’. We hear of ‘unprecedented floods’, ‘unprecedented bushfires’, an ‘unprecedented drought’ – all the ‘unprecedented’ impact of climate change on women, men, and children across the globe.
There is no doubt that people are suffering. We have only to look to those who lost homes and livelihoods to fire and flood here in Australia during the last three years, or to some of our Pacific neighbours whose homes are threatened by rising sea levels, the effect of global warming.
The prophet Ezekiel’s call is a reminder to each of us that we all have a role to play in responding to this climate crisis. God says, “I will send you!” Like so many of the prophets, however, we may well ask, “Who me, Lord?”, “What can I do?”
The annual celebration of the Season of Creation offers us an opportunity for each person to join with members of Christian churches everywhere to Listen to the Voice of Creation.
The Season of Creation begins on 1 September and concludes on 4 October, the feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology. During this month-long celebration, individuals and communities are invited to participate through prayer, sustainability projects and advocacy for Earth.
In accepting this invitation, individuals take a moment each day to pray with gratitude for the gift of Creation, thanking God for the beauty and wonder of the cosmos; to engage in simple everyday gestures that show our care for Earth; and to raise our voice for climate justice.
Josephites everywhere will prepare for the launch of Explore, Embrace, Embody: the Josephite Laudato Si’ Action Plan on 7 October, Julian Tenison Woods’ Day, in prayer and reflection by focussing on their use of plastics and by speaking out about the impact of plastic on our planet.
Have you heard the cry of the people? The cry of Earth? Do you know the suffering caused by the climate crisis? Will you join with us this Season of Creation to be a sign of God’s presence in the world. Together we can be the presence of God, neither consuming nor destroying the gift of Creation, but actively giving voice to that presence through lives lived in gratitude for all Creation’s gifts.
Sr Mary Ellen O’Donoghue
Congregational Leadership Team