Hope has two beautiful daughters

Hope has two beautiful daughters, Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.Attributed to St Augustine The Wellington Archdiocese Ecology, Justice and Peace Commission’s Integral Ecology Committee initiated two workshops in early August. The workshops were to offer and lead people to […]


Listen to the Voice of Creation

I have heard their cry… I know their sufferings… Come, now! I will send you… I will be with you. Ezekiel 3:1-12 The most overused word in the journalists’ lexicon these days is ‘unprecedented’. We hear of ‘unprecedented floods’, ‘unprecedented bushfires’, an ‘unprecedented drought’ – all the ‘unprecedented’ impact of climate change on women, men, […]


Earth Hour 2022

Recently, I viewed the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, the great space science observatory now orbiting the sun about 1 million miles from the earth. This large telescope, about the size of a tennis court, continues the work of the Hubble Telescope, which for 25 years explored the farthest depths of the Universe. […]


Season of Creation: The World is Our Household, Let’s Honour It

The Season of Creation is a month-long prayerful observance, from 1 September to 4 October, that calls the planet’s 2.2 billion Christians to pray and care for God’s creation. It is a time to reflect on our relationship with the environment — not just “distant” nature, but crucially, the place where we live — and […]
