Easter Reflections 2024
We share with you three reflections for Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday provided by Sr Michele Shipperley rsj.
Palm/Passion Sunday Reflection
Holy Week begins and ends with drama. When I think of Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday, three things stand out: The beginning of Holy Week The importance of processions in our life and the tradition of Walk for Justice for Refugees Having the courage to walk this journey with Jesus to his cross and […]
A Laudato Si’ Easter Reflection
As followers of Jesus, we are asked to walk humbly on the Earth and to care for the land, the oceans, and all creatures. Pope Francis reminds us in his recent Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum that the time for climate change action is becoming more URGENT. He has posed the question: “Are we working for […]
Easter Reflections 2023
We share with you four reflections for Palm (Passion) Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday provided by Sr Michele Shipperley rsj.
2022 Easter Message from Sr Monica
As Easter unfolds, we hear these words: Christ is risen, the light has dawned, and hope is born anew. The Easter story invites us to travel with Jesus through the reality of death to new life. Like Jesus, Christians are called to surrender the pain and suffering of our world into the arms of our […]
Easter Reflections 2022
We share with you four reflections for Palm (Passion) Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.