Celebrating the Life of Julian Tenison Woods
On 7 October, the Sisters of Saint Joseph celebrate the life of Julian Tenison Woods, our Father Founder. Mary MacKillop wrote to the Sisters on the occasion of his death: I ask you, my dearest Sisters, one and all – those who knew him personally and those who have only heard of him – to […]
Saint Mary MacKillop Feast Day 2023
A Message from Sr Monica Cavanagh, Congregational Leader, Sisters of Saint Joseph. Let us rejoice in the gift of Mary MacKillop to our Church and our world as we celebrate her feast day.
Feast of the Sacred Heart 2023
The Feast of the Sacred Heart (16 June) invites us into a deepening awareness that all of life is held in the loving embrace of God. This spirituality of the heart calls us to honour that Christ dwells in our hearts through love and we in turn are to ‘clothe ourselves in love’ (Colossians 3:12) […]
Pentecost 2023
The love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Romans 5:5 The feast of Pentecost (28 May) invites us to be attentive to the movement of the Spirit acting in and through our lives.
Easter Message 2023
Let us rejoice in the gift of Easter and the blessing of hope it brings. This message of hope is especially important in our world today impacted by war and natural disasters. We see so many refugees risking the journey in search of a new life free from poverty, oppressive governments, climate change and […]
Feast of Saint Joseph 2023
Greetings on the feast of Saint Joseph. Currently, the Church worldwide is engaging in the Continental Phase for the Synod on Synodality. As Patron of the Universal Church, we might pause to reflect on the spirit of Synodality in the life of St Joseph. The word ‘synodality’ means ‘walking together’. Through the Gospel stories, we […]
Australia Day 2023
As we celebrate Australia Day, we reflect on all those Australians who have dedicated their lives in service of their sisters and brothers, our everyday heroes and heroines. Many will be recognised in Australia Day citizen awards and others will formally become Australian citizens. Australia Day provides us with the opportunity to reflect upon what […]
New Year 2023
New Year is a time to look back with gratitude for the gifts of 2022 and to open our hearts and minds to receive the gifts that our loving God has waiting for us in the coming year. As we watch the sun go down on New Year’s Eve, our hearts wait in anticipation for […]
Christmas Message 2022
Christmas is the opportunity for each one of us to be ‘presents of peace’ to one another and in the wider community of our world. As we celebrate Christmas 2022, let us take time to reflect on the gift of peace, coming from the Hebrew word shalom meaning ‘harmony, wholeness, completeness’. Jesus in the gospel […]
Saint Mary MacKillop Feast Day 2022
A Message from Sr Monica Cavanagh, Congregational Leader, Sisters of Saint Joseph. Greetings for the feast of Saint Mary MacKillop (8 August). As we join in celebrating Mary MacKillop’s feast this year, we are called to embrace the values that were at the heart of all she did. Her deep love for those she […]
Plenary Council Australia – A Reflection
The conclusion of the Second Assembly of the Plenary Council journey, was celebrated with Eucharist at St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney on Saturday 9 July 2022. The 270 members who participated in this week-long event, left with hope-filled hearts knowing that they have been part of a historic moment in the life of the Church […]
Feast of the Sacred Heart
For us as Josephites, celebrating the feast of the Sacred Heart (24 June) is intimately connected to God’s compassionate love. The Constitutions of the Sisters of Saint Joseph remind us: Mary MacKillop believed that God’s compassionate love symbolised by the Sacred Heart would become a reality for her sisters and the people with whom they […]